Project Management

Excellent project management is one of the most important factors that will get your renovation completed on time and within budget.

As with any home renovation project or interior fit-out there can be a great deal involved, especially when there are multiple tradespeople to deal with, suppliers, changed minds, designs, deadlines and unexpected circumstances involved.

Good project management means being able to pre-plan and manage of all this whilst sticking to the budget and completing the project on time. Excellent communication between all involved is also crucial. 

Revamped Interior Projects will ensure that your project is managed professionally on your behalf, so don’t have to.

Project Management Services

The management of your home interior renovation project begins from your first discussion with us. As a guide we offer:

  • Identify budgets, timeframes, draw up design and plans.
  • Outline initial project plan.
  • Supply of subcontractors at competitive prices to be available when needed.
  • Deal with suppliers on your behalf so that products and materials are ordered and delivered on time
  • Monitor progress with regular inspections
  • Answer any questions that arise during the project, and clarify any issues that arise with the sub-contractors.
  • Ensure that work is completed to a high standard. We arrange subcontractors to come back and fix any work not done properly.
  • Processing variations and anything else that crops up along the way.
  • And most importantly, clear communication. With you, with trades people, with suppliers, designers and anyone else involved in the project.

Contact Paul today to
arrange a free onsite quote